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quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2022

textos de alunos: "Take a minute, take five!"

 Mais um texto, desta vez de Carolina Cunha, 11ºC, subcategoria "Did you know? Now you know".

                                                                    Sahara Desert

Deserts are known for extremely high temperatures and very low precipitation, then wouldn't snowfall be even rarer?
Well, the impossible happened when the first snowfall ever recorded was in 1979, and it was a snowstorm that lasted approximately half an hour. Although temperatures tend to drop at night, the lack of humidity makes it nearly impossible to produce snow.
Recently, in 2018, it happened again. The Sahara Desert was covered with a blanket of white snow and in areas of higher altitude, the snow reached 30 cm in width.
Long before this all happened, approximately 6,000 years ago, this dry land, known as the world's hottest desert, was an abundant rainforest with thick vegetation and high rainfall.
I find it amazing that this thing that we all thought was impossible happened a long time ago and also recently.
Carolina Cunha, 11º C                                                                                              cortesia do envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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