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terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2022

textos de alunos: "Take a minute, take five!"

Mais um texto, desta vez de um grupo de alunos do 11ºC sobre festividades culturais, subcategoria "The World Around Us".

                                                               The Congo Festival

Hello, in this group of students we wanted to share one of our favourite Brazilian festivals, the Congo festival.
It's an Afro-brazilian festival in the middle of January that celebrates various historical events, but the main event is the tale of a black saint named Benedito that saved a slave ship from a storm in 1850. 
In the festival there are 2 African instruments named "recoreco" and "tamborim", used to play and sing with everyone in the festival. The principal event is a little ship that we push and pull untill the end of the route, and there's a belief that if you wish something while pushing the ship, your wish will come true.
I used to go to Congo Festival and play the traditional instruments a long time ago, I have such good memories of the Congo festival.
Beatriz Vilariça, Carolina, Francisco, Gustavo, Vicente, 11º C
cortesia do envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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