terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2024

escola sede: "Take a Minute, take Five!"

Mais um texto no âmbito do desafio "Take a minute, take Five!". Desta feita é o contributo da aluna,  Mariana Cardia, 9.ºGna subcategoria "The World Around Us".

                                                                                   Northern Ireland

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland belongs to the United Kingdom, unlike Ireland. Previously, Northern Ireland belonged to the European Union but left in 2020. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, the city with the most inhabitants in Northern Ireland. Its official language is English, but there are also towns  and signs in Gaelic.


Ireland and Northern Ireland used to be one country. In 1921, there was separation due to religious conflicts and Northern Ireland was created. The reason for this separation was because in the past there were many conflicts between Catholics and Protestants. There is a film that reports these problems - its name is “Belfast”. Only in 1998 both parties made an agreement to resolve the conflicts and thus the "Good Friday Agreement" was signed.


  • Irish breakfast 

  • Irish stew

  • Breakfast roll

Places to visit

  • Tour of Belfast City Hall and Belfast Castle

  •  Belfast City Walls, Crumlin Road Prison and Cavehill

  • The Crumlin Road Gaol

  • Titanic Museum and SS Nomadic

  • Tour of St. George’s Market, Cathedral Quarter and Grand Opera House

  •  Giant's Causeway (picture above)


The culture of Northern Ireland is rich and diverse, with influences from both Irish and British traditions. Music and dance are important aspects of local culture, as it is possible to find festivals and live music events in several cities in the region.




https://www.edublin.com.br/o-que-fazer-na-irlanda-do-norte/                                         Mariana Cardia, 9.ºG

                                                                                                  cortesia de envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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