quarta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2023

escola sede: "Take a Minute, Take Five!"

 Mais uma sugestão, desta feita de Gabriel Fontoura, 9.º D, na subcategoria "Fun Corner/Chill out time".

                                                                         Movie -"Deadpool"

Hello! Today I'm going to talk about one movie called "Deadpool".

"Deadpool" is an action film which was released in 2016. It was directed by Tim Miller.

The film stars Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. The film is about one person who is involuntarily subjected to an experiment and instead of becoming a hero, he becomes an anti-hero, he wants revenge on whoever made him look horrible and killed his loved one.

Deadpool starts following villains and killing them to finally get his revenge. Would you be able to do it?

I think the actors' performance was incredible, it was both incredible and funny and I like it. The special effects are good but nothing special.

I consider it to be overrated and I rate this film 4 out 5 stars.                                                                                 Gabriel Fontoura9.º D

cortesia de envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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