quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2023

escola sede: "Take a Minute, take Five!"

Mais um texto da rubrica "Take a Minute, take Five!", desta feita da autoria de Beatriz Vilariça, do 11.º C, na subcategoria "Did you know? Now you know".

Did you know 40 percent of human jobs could be replaced by AI in the future?

According to artificial intelligence researcher Kai-Fu Lee, 40% of human employment could be replaced by equally skilled robots in the next 20 years, making the future frighteningly resemble Wall-E. And drivers might be most impacted.

In my opinion this future could turn out to be very interesting and challenging but at the same time dangerous, and I don't speak only for the reduced opportunity to find a job but also for a possible rebellion or dangerous breakdown by robots and AI.  
Beatriz Vilariça, 11.º C
cortesia de enio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

1 comentário:

  1. Muito interessante e realmente assustador, se essa previsão se vier a concretizar.


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