segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2024

escola sede: "Take a Minute, take Five!"

 Mais uma publicação, desta feita, da autoria de António Silva, 9.ºD, na subcategoria "Speak up your mind". 

                                                             "Bullfighting - spectacle or gratuitous violence"


Today I am going to talk about the topic "Bullfighting - spectacle or gratuitous violence". I chose this topic because I like animals.

This topic is talked about around the world due to the mistreatment of animals, which is why I am against bullfighting.

My arguments against bullfighting are the cruelty that animals suffer during shows and the psychological impact on animals. Even though in Portugal it is prohibited to kill the bull in the arena, with the exception of Barrancos (in the Alentejo area) this type of "spectacle" causes

serious injuries and has a psychological impact.

After the shows, these protagonists (bulls) become afraid or too aggressive towards other animals.

Legally, it is a spectacle that, due to taste or culture, causes animals suffering. The show is open to all types of audiences, including children who learn that mistreating animals is a crime but bullfighting is not!

Animals are put into this type of show without being able to choose whether they want to do it or not! After all, the animals are mistreated.

"Don't do to animals what you don't want to happen to you", because I don't think it's right for animals to suffer for human entertainment.

                                                                                                                                                                                  António Silva 9.ºD

                                                                                                                                       cortesia de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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