quarta-feira, 26 de abril de 2023

escola sede: "Take a minute, take five!"

Mais uma curiosidade cultural nacional, sugerida por Beatriz Vilariça, do 11º C, na subcategoria "The World Around Us".

                                                              Bemposta’s Chocalheiro

The rattler is a masked person who hides his face with a mask called a beetle.  It is a tauromorphic figure that carries a skewered orange at the tip of each horn, has a goat's goatee on its chin; a pig's bladder full of wind hangs from the nape of its neck; a disk on its forehead and, running down its face, a small serpent. In his hand he holds tongs and a large serpent encircling his waist.  He has two serpents; a serpent around his waist and another on his forehead.  
His clothing is coarse linen dyed black with white and red stripes.  On his back he has a painted skull and a tail with long manes.  
It is part of the traditions of Bemposta village, located in Mogadouro, Bragança.                                                   Beatriz Vilariça, 11º C
                                                                                                                                   cortesia de envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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