quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2023

textos de alunos "Take a minute, take five!"

Mais um texto no âmbito do desafio "Take a minute, take five!". Desta feita é da autoria de Lucas Gomes, aluno do 11.º C na subcategoria "The World Around Us".

                                           My Top Suggestions on Places to visit in Metro Vancouver, Canada

     Metro Vancouver is a metropolitan region of Vancouver, encompassing 21 municipalities, some being New Westminster, Burnaby, and Surrey. The Metro Vancouver Region is very popular for its tourist attractions, including Grouse Mountain and Stanley Park.
    Grouse Mountain is one of Vancouver’s premier attractions. The mountain’s vast list of activities varies from summer to winter. The summer activities include the world-famous Lumberjack Show, consisting of the display of different woodchopping-related skills mixed up with a bit of comedy, the Owl Talk, a show displaying different types of owls, and sometimes other birds, performing tricks, and guided hikes. On the other hand, the winter activities include skiing and snowboarding, the Mountaintop Skating Pond, which is a frozen Pond used for ice skating, and Snowshoeing, a type of small hikes performed on snowy paths.
    Stanley Park is Vancouver’s biggest urban park, home to a great range of different species, with the bald eagle, beavers, squirrels, and coyotes standing out. The park’s size sits around 4 million square metres and is almost fully enclosed by the waters of the English Bay, Burrard Inlet, and Vancouver Harbor. The park is the perfect place to enjoy nature, both in the forest and on the beach.
    During my time spent in Canada, I visited numerous beautiful places, and Grouse Mountain and Stanley Park stood out to me. I am a fan of nature and enjoy these peaceful and calming places whenever I need a relief from stress. Therefore these suggestions are very biased towards those interests. Personally, the tourist destination I have enjoyed the most was Grouse Mountain due to the shows, especially the Owl Talk (I’ve always had an interest in birds). I hope to have piqued your interest towards Canada and even interested you in a visit there.
Lucas Gomes, 11.º C
cortesia de envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER 

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