terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2022

textos de alunos: "Take a minute, take five!"

Mais um texto, desta vez de Núria Fernandes , 11º B, na subcategoria "The World Around Us". Uma festividade bem portuguesa... e bem saborosa!

Festa de São Martinho”/ St Martin’s Day

Hello my beloved readers, my name is Núria and the topic of this blog post comes with perfect timing! I’ll be telling you how I celebrate the “Festa de São Martinho” which is celebrated on November 11th in some countries and, especially in Portugal.

The most outstanding feature of this day is the “Magusto”, that stands for a moment in which we reunite with friends and family to eat roasted chestnuts. Thousands of years ago the pagans and Celts reunited to eat roasted chestnuts in order to honour the death of loved ones and thank nature for its offerings, but the day actually got its name because of the Christians who adopted the day in their religion.

During this day, Portuguese people also celebrate the maturation of the year's wine. Traditionally, it was the first day our ancestors tasted the wine in each year. Nowadays people don’t take this day very seriously, instead, we just use it as an excuse to eat some roasted chestnuts that, of course, are delicious.

I believe this tradition is very interesting and we should appreciate it a bit more even though, personally, I am just happy about getting to eat roasted chestnuts every single year!

                                                                                                                                                                 Núria Fernandes , 11º B
cortesia do envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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