segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2022

"Take a minute, take five!"

Mais uma publicação, subcategoria "Did you know? Now you know", da autoria das alunas Mafalda Marques e Mª Helena Barbosa, 10.ºB. 

Don't ever ask for salt

Who has never asked for salt while eating lunch for example? It doesn't offend anyone and it's pretty normal asking for salt to put in our food when we think it needs a little bit more
However, things aren't that easy in Egypt! If you go there, don't ever ask for salt to put in your food! In this country, it's a huge insult to the host as Egyptians take it as if you are repulsed by the taste of the meal they served you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 texto e imagem de Mafalda Marques, aluna do 10º B  

When you are in a cab, which seat do you sit in?

In our culture, we don´t give much importance on where we sit when we are in a cab. We are used to sitting in the back as we see in movies or series, and it´s not a big deal for us to sit in the front when we are with more than 2 people in the cab.
However, in Australia, it´s considered snobbish and really unpolite to sit in the back of the cab when there is only one person in it. Australians often sit in front with the cab driver. Now you know, the next time you go to Australia and have to take a cab, never sit on the back seats!
                                                                                                                                                    texto e imagem de Helena Barbosa, aluna do 10º B  
                                                                                                          cortesia do envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER


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  1. Parabéns aos alunos que pesquisaram e escreveram estas notícias, dão-nos a conhecer hábitos/tradições interessantes e bem diferentes das nossas.


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