segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2022

textos de alunos: "Take a minute, take five!"

Mais um contributo, da autoria de Júlia Carvalhinho, do 8ºK, na subcategoria "Speak up your mind".

Fashion and I

To me, fashion, is a way of expressing myself. I wear what makes me feel comfortable and pretty, and I choose what to wear according to how I feel. The clothes I wear might be the first impression someone has of me, so I try to make my style show a part of my personality.

I like to wear baggy jeans, colourful sweaters and blouses. They make me feel happy and beautiful. In summer I love to wear skirts or long dresses, they’re fresh and look good on me.

I don’t like to wear skinny jeans or tops, because they make me feel rather uncomfortable. In summer, I don’t like wearing shorts, unless I go to the beach.

In my opinion, designer clothes are gorgeous and have a great quality, but they can also be too expensive. Sometimes it’s better to buy a cheap or used skirt than to spend tons of money on a new one.

Summing up, fashion or the clothes you choose to wear every day are a way of showing who you are. So, you should have your own style and not let anyone change it!

Júlia Carvalhinho - 8th K 
cortesia do envio de Constância Silva, docente de Inglês e colaboradora do CRESCER

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